Morton’s Neuroma Exercises

Plantar fasciitis exercises

Treatment for Morton’s neuroma (syndrome) involves reducing pain and inflammation with stretching and strengthening exercises.


Medically reviewed by Dr Chaminda Goonetilleke, 20th Jan. 2022

Aim of rehabilitation for Morton’s neuroma

Morton’s syndrome occurs when the nerve which passes between the metatarsal bones of the third and fourth toes becomes impinged. It causes pain, numbness, and tingling.

  • Reduce pain and inflammation
  • Prevent compression on the nerve in the future
Running socks

Technical Running Socks (UK) (USA)

Reduce pain and inflammation

Apply ice or cold therapy to the foot for 10 to 15 minutes every hour initially if possible reducing frequency as required as pain and inflammation are relieved. Do not apply ice directly to the skin as it may cause ice burns. Wrap in a wet tea towel or use a commercially available cold pack.

Rest from painful activities. This may initially mean staying off your feet altogether. Continuing to exercise on the foot will not allow the inflammation to reduce and the injury to heal. It is important to maintain fitness through non-weight-bearing exercises such as swimming or cycling or use the opportunity to work on upper body strength.

A metatarsal lift or pad is a small padded insert that is worn in shoes under the forefoot. It raises the central part of the forefoot spreading the metatarsals, increasing the space between them, and taking the pressure off the nerve.

The initial pain and inflammation should go away within a few days if looked after properly. However, more chronic cases that do not respond to rest and ice and padding may require a corticosteroid injection as well as padding.

If overpronation is obvious then the use of orthotics is essential to prevent a recurrence. If there is still no improvement then surgery may be required.


Arch Support Insoles (UK) (USA)

Morton’s neuroma exercises

As soon as pain allows exercises should begin. Morton’s neuroma exercises should include stretching for the calf muscles and plantar fascia (along the bottom of the foot).

Plantar fascia stretch

Calf stretching

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It is important to start Morton’s neuroma exercises very gradually, especially with strengthening exercises. It is important to ensure the nerve is not inflamed again. Strengthening exercises are aimed at maintaining and improving the transverse arch of the foot.

Morton’s neuroma exercises – Return to running

When the athlete can walk without pain and have good mobility and flexibility they can begin to return to running. If biomechanical problems such as overpronation are not corrected with orthotics then it is more likely the injury will recur at this stage. An example of a gradual return to running is given below:

1Walk 4 minutes, jog 2 minutes, repeat 4 times
3Walk 4 minutes, jog 3 minutes, repeat 3 times
5Walk 3 minutes, jog 4 minutes, repeat 4 times
7Walk 2 minutes, jog 6 minutes, repeat 4 times

References & further reading

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