Preventing Cricket Injuries

Preventing cricket injuries

Cricketers are becoming fitter and are able to put their bodies under more strain in the course of the game. Preventing Cricket injuries is increasingly more important, especially for young players and those at higher levels.


Warming up For Preventing Cricket injuries

Warming up is often overlooked but should be part of your injury prevention routine. Warm-up not only helps prevent Cricket injuries but also improves performance. A good warm increases:

  • Muscle temperature (they work better at a temperature of 40 degrees)
  • Blood flow and oxygen to muscles
  • Speed of nerve impulses
  • Range of motion at joints

A Cricket warm-up consists of:

Pulse raiser

A gentle jog increases heart rate, circulating blood and oxygen, and supplying more energy.


Stretching increases the range of motion at joints. In particular, it is important to stretch the lower back, shoulders, hamstrings and calf muscles – but do not neglect the rest.

Cricket-specific exercises.

A warm-up should help prevent Cricket injuries. It shoulder last around 10 – 15 minutes. If you are in the field for long periods of time, keep warm, stay mobile, and stretch regularly. If you have to wait a long time before batting, the same applies.

Cool Down

This is also often overlooked in favour of the bar but can help prevent Cricket injuries and boost performance. The aim of the cooldown is to:

  • Gradually lower heart rate.
  • Circulate blood and oxygen to muscles, restoring them to the condition they were in before exercise.
  • Remove waste products such as lactic acid.
  • Reduce the risk of muscle soreness.

The cooldown should consist of a gentle jog followed by light stretching.

Protective Clothing

The wearing of protective equipment is especially important to the batter and wicketkeeper in cricket. The batter should wear a helmet with a faceguard, leg pads, gloves, and a box or cup. The wicketkeeper usually wears a helmet and gloves.

Sports Massage for Cricket injury prevention

  • Getting a regular sports massage can flush your muscles with waste products and release tight knots, lumps, and bumps.
  • If left, these lumps and bumps in muscles may cause strains and tears.
  • A good sports massage therapist should identify potential trouble spots long before they become injuries.

Preventing nutrition & hydration Injuries in Cricket

Proper nutrition is important. A bad diet will prevent you from recovering from training sessions making you more prone to injury. A balanced diet is what you should aim for:

  • Carbohydrate is important for refuelling muscles.
  • Protein rebuilds muscles.
  • If you become dehydrated then less blood will flow through muscles. The muscles will be more prone to injury.
  • Vitamins and minerals are required for a number of reasons related to recovery.

Much of what is discussed above should be part of your sporting routine. A biomechanical analysis can help identify possible injury risks. Assessment from a sports therapist or specialist can identify weak areas and possible injury risks. A course of exercises specific to your needs can give you the best chance of avoiding injury.

Training & recovery

Not allowing your body to recover properly from training will eventually result in injury. Your body needs time to rebuild itself stronger before the next training session. Remember – you are not training when you are training, you are training when you recover! Sleep is also an important part of your training. If you are not getting enough, get it sorted.

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