Pain at the front of the shoulder

The following injuries may have the symptom of pain at the front of the shoulder.

Shoulder impingement

Shoulder Impingement Syndrome

Shoulder impingement syndrome is sometimes called swimmer’s shoulder, or thrower’s shoulder. It is caused by the tendons of the rotator cuff becoming trapped as they pass through the shoulder joint. Impingement syndrome symptoms Symptoms of

Deltoid muscle

Deltoid Pain

Deltoid pain relates to the large deltoid muscle on the top & outside of the shoulder. Although not a common injury, an injured deltoid can result in pain at the front, side or back of

Subacromial bursitis

Subacromial Bursitis

Subacromial bursitis has similar symptoms to Supraspinatus tendinitis. In particular, shoulder pain over a 60-degree arc as you lift your arm out sideways. Symptoms Symptoms of subacromial bursitis can be similar to those of supraspinatus

Long head of biceps

Long Head of Biceps Rupture

A rupture or tear to the long head of the biceps causes pain at the front of the shoulder. It is more common in older athletes. Symptoms Sudden sharp pain at the front of the

Broken collar bone cavicle fracture

Broken Collar Bone (Clavicle Fracture)

A clavicle fracture is a fracture of the clavicle bone at the front of the shoulder. It is also known as a broken collarbone. It is usually caused by a fall onto the shoulder, or

Pec major muscle strain

Pectoralis Major Strain

A Pectoralis major strain is a tear of the large powerful muscle at the front of the chest. The muscle rotates the arm inwards and is the main muscle for the bench press exercise. Symptoms

Long head of biceps muscle

Biceps Tendonitis At The Shoulder

Biceps tendonitis is inflammation of the long head of the biceps muscle, causing pain at the front of the shoulder. It is not a particularly common injury, but excessive weight training or overuse is a

Pec Major Tendon Inflammation

The Pectoralis Major tendon is weakest where it inserts into the arm or humerus bone. Common sports that can inflame the tendon include racket sports, rowing, swimming, and weight training. The pain when performing these

Rotator cuff strain

Shoulder Tendonitis

Shoulder tendonitis is an overuse injury that causes inflammation of one of the tendons in the shoulder joint, usually a rotator cuff tendon. Shoulder tendinopathy is probably a more accurate term as it describes the

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