Tenderness on inside of ankle

Eversion ankle sprain

Eversion Ankle Sprain | Medial Ankle Sprain

An eversion ankle sprain, medial ankle sprain, or deltoid ligament sprain is a tear of the ligaments on the inside of the ankle. It is not as common as an inversion ankle sprain and is

Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction / syndrome

Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction (PTTD)

Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction or PTTD is a dysfunction of the posterior tibialis muscle, resulting in a fallen arch, or flat feet. The tibialis posterior tendon supports the arch of the foot so if it

Medial calcaneal nerve

Medial Calcaneal Nerve Entrapment

Medial calcaneal nerve entrapment has similar symptoms to that of tarsal tunnel syndrome. Pain radiates from the inside of the ankle, under the heel and into the arch of the foot. Symptoms Symptoms of medial

Medial malleolus ankle

Medial Malleolus Stress Fracture

The medial malleolus is the bony bit on the inside of the ankle. A stress fracture of the medial malleolus is rare, causing gradual onset pain on the inside of the ankle. Medial malleolus stress

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