Aching forearm

Rsi - wrist

RSI – Repetitive Strain Injury

RSI or repetitive strain injury is a general term rather than a specific diagnosis used to describe gradual onset pain, usually in the forearm, wrist, and hand. RSI is a term that covers several different

Anterior interosseous syndrome

Anterior Interosseous Syndrome

Anterior Interosseous Syndrome is the entrapment of a branch of the Median nerve, just above the elbow. The nerve becomes compressed, causing symptoms of pain in the upper arm and difficulty moving the thumb, index

Forearm splints

Forearm Splints

Forearm splints are similar to shin splints in the lower leg, although far less common. It comes on gradually, occurring in those who repetitively use their wrist, contracting the forearm muscles. The pain in the

Pronator teres syndrome

Pronator Teres Syndrome

Pronator teres syndrome causes pain, numbness and tingling in the forearm and hand. As the name indicates, pronating the hand (turning the hand with the palm facing down) can cause and exacerbate this injury. Pronator

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