Golfer’s Elbow Test

The golfer’s elbow test, or medial epicondylitis test helps diagnose golfer’s elbow or medial epicondylitis.


What is Golfer’s elbow?

Golfer’s elbow is also known as medial epicondylitis, thrower’s elbow, or little league elbow. It causes pain on the inside of the elbow, which develops gradually over time.

How to perform Golfer’s elbow test

Seat the patient comfortably with their arm extended and palm facing downward. Next, locate the medial epicondyle, the bony prominence inside the elbow where tendons involved in golfer’s elbow attach. Then, stabilize the patient’s arm just above the wrist with one hand to prevent movement.

Finally, with your other hand, apply resistance to the patient’s wrist or fingers, opposing wrist or finger flexion. Ask the patient to flex their wrist or fingers against your resistance. While maintaining this resistance, watch for any signs of pain or discomfort around the medial epicondyle or the inner side of the elbow.

What is a positive golfer’s elbow test?

A positive test result is indicated if the patient experiences pain or tenderness in the region of the medial epicondyle during the resisted wrist or finger flexion. Consequently, the reproduction of pain in this area suggests irritation or inflammation of the tendons attached to the medial epicondyle, characteristic of golfer’s elbow.


It’s crucial to carry out this test with great care and gentleness to prevent causing excessive discomfort to the patient. Moreover, it’s essential to consider alternative causes of elbow pain and conduct a comprehensive examination to reach an accurate diagnosis.

If uncertain or if symptoms persist, consider seeking further evaluation from a healthcare professional such as a physician or physiotherapist.

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