Latest Sports Medicine Research

Here we outline some of the latest research findings in sports medicine.

A recent study sheds light on how targeted exercise interventions can make a significant difference in preventing injury in novice runners. Study Overview The study involved 325 novice runners, divided into three groups: one focusing

June 11, 2024

A review of 28 trials concluded that moderate-quality and low-quality evidence demonstrates customised orthoses and taping, respectively, reduce pain intensity in the short term in patients with plantar fasciitis. The objective of this systematic review

November 28, 2023

The study aimed to conduct a detailed analysis of hamstring injuries in English professional football over two seasons. Injury data from 91 professional football clubs were collected using an injury audit questionnaire and a weekly

November 25, 2023

A study at the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center looked at illness, sudden-onset and gradual-onset injuries among players in the Norwegian women’s premier league during the 2020 and 2021 seasons. It concluded that 32% reported

November 25, 2023

In a systematic review and meta-analysis involving 60 studies and 3598 participants, the combination of surgery and exercise-based interventions was found to be more effective in reducing the risk of recurrence after traumatic anterior shoulder

November 24, 2023

In a 2-year prospective cohort study of Canadian high school Rugby Union players, including 361 females and 429 males, females exhibited significantly higher injury incidence rates. This was in both matches (62% higher) and training

November 24, 2023

A study concluded that Isolated labral debridement was found to result in high rates of failure and reoperation. One third of patients were converted to arthroplasty (hip replacement) and half of patients meeting criteria for

October 13, 2023

A study concluded that male children aged 14 years and older faced the highest risk of recurrent shoulder instability following a first-time traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation. They did a meta-analysis, based on a combination of

September 30, 2016

A study summarising five other studies reported Kinesio taping is not a substitute for traditional physical therapy or exercise. However, it may be most effective when used in addition.

April 28, 2016

A study concluded rehabilitation protocol emphasizing lengthening exercises was more effective in reducing the time to return to training than conventional exercises.

November 25, 2014

Peroneal tendon tears are a frequent, but often overlooked cause of chronic lateral ankle pain. A 2003 study in the The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery reviewed information on patients with Peroneal tendon tears

January 2, 2003

No is the straight answer to this question in most cases. A study in 1991 aimed to assess the safety and efficacy of treating simple subungual hematomas (SUH) with nail trephination alone, without resorting to

January 2, 1991

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