Talar Tilt Test

The Talar tilt test assesses the stability of the ankle joint, specifically the calcaneofibular ligament (CFL) which connects the calcaneus (heel bone) to the fibula. We use it to help diagnose ankle sprains.

Ankle Sprain Ligaments

How to perform the talar tilt test

Position the patient seated or lying down with their knee flexed at 90 degrees. Hold the lower leg steady while grasping the patient’s calcaneus (heel bone). Then apply an inversion force to the hindfoot. In other words, attempt to tilt it inward while keeping the subtalar joint neutral. Make sure the foot does not move up or down (plantarflexion or dorsiflexion).

Observe the degree of lateral tilt (inversion) of the calcaneus compared to the tibia. Excessive tilt, compared to the unaffected side may indicate ligamentous laxity or injury. It is important to use this test in conjunction with other clinical assessments and imaging studies to evaluate ankle instability.

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