Knee joint swelling

The following sports injuries all have the symptom of knee joint swelling.

Bakers Cyst

Baker’s Cyst

A Baker’s Cyst or Popliteal cyst is a prominent swelling at the back of the knee. It is caused by an underlying injury or condition in the knee joint. Medically reviewed by Dr Chaminda Goonetilleke,

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Dislocated knee

Dislocated Knee

A dislocated knee occurs when the femur (thigh bone) and the tibia (shin bone) move apart. This is different from a patella dislocation where the kneecap only dislocates outwards. It is a far more serious,

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Knee synovitis

Knee Synovitis

Knee synovitis occurs when the synovial membrane which lines and lubricates the knee joint, becomes inflamed. Swelling or stiffness are symptoms that may follow another injury, arthritis, or gout. Medically reviewed by Dr Chaminda Goonetilleke,

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