Patella Glide Test

The patella glide test assesses kneecap mobility and stability. Specifically, it is important for diagnosing issues such as instability or maltracking.


How to perform the patella glide test:

Patient Positioning: Lie the patient on their back with their legs either straight out or slightly bent at the knee.

Examiner’s Positioning: Stand beside the patient, fingers on both edges of the patella.

Test Movement: Glide the patella up and down in the groove with fingers placed on it. This movement assesses the patellar mobility and its ability to track smoothly along the femur during knee flexion and extension.

Observation: During the glide, the examiner watches for abnormalities or restrictions in patellar movement. Normally, the patella should move smoothly and symmetrically within the femoral groove without any significant deviation or tilting.

Patient Feedback: Ask about discomfort or specific sounds, for example, grinding or clicking, hinting at maltracking.

Interpretation: Based on the observations and patient feedback, assess the patellar mobility and stability. In particular, restricted or asymmetric patellar glide may indicate patellar maltracking, and therefore, instability, or other underlying knee joint issues.

Clinicians use the Patella Glide Test with other methods to diagnose knee issues and assess joint function. Gentle testing and clear communication are crucial to ensure the patient’s comfort and cooperation.

This test helps diagnose the following injuries:

Patellofemoral pain

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS) results from the patella (kneecap) rubbing on the femur bone underneath. It may also be known as Runner’s knee, Chondromalacia patellae, anterior knee pain, and Patellofemoral joint syndrome.

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