Osgood Schlatter Disease Taping

Taping for Osgood Schlatter disease forms part of our full rehabilitation program and involves applying support around the patella tendon to provide pain relief and aid the healing process. It works by changing the way forces transmit through the tendon.


Medically reviewed by Dr Chaminda Goonetilleke, 2nd Jan. 2022

How does Osgood Schlatter taping work?

It is difficult to completely rest knee injuries, espcially Osgood Schlatter disease when you have to go to school or college. Applying tape around the patella tendon compresses it. As a result, the way forces transmit through the tendon changes. Taping relieves painful symptoms of Osgood Schlatter disease and allows the tendon to recover more easily.

When should I apply Osgood Schlatter taping?

In the acute stage when your knee is particularly painful, wear a patella support or taping all the time, or as much as possible. Later, as you return to normal sports activity you may prefer to use taping only when training or for high impact activities.

When going back to training it is a good idea to give your knee a little extra support by taping or bracing whilst you train. In particular, for jumping-type sports, some additional support may be needed to protect your knee.


How to apply Osgood Schlatter disease taping

tape needed for osgood schlatter disease taping

Time to apply 5 minutes

How to tape for Osgood Schlatter disease.

  1. What equipment do I need?

    All you need for this simple taping technique is a single roll of 5cm (2 inch) zinc oxide tape and a roll of 5cm hyperfix tape or similar.

  2. Apply anchors

    Apply a strip of hyper-fix tape around the knee. This is a thin elastic adhesive tape that provides a good base, or anchor for the supporting strips to stick to.

  3. Make support strips

    Then using a smaller 5cm elastic adhesive bandage tear two longitudinal strips of around 2.5cm wide, but still attached to the roll. Twist the two strips to create a rope or cord effect in the tape.

  4. Apply support strips

    Position the two twisted strips of tape over the patella tendon. When applying Osgood Schlatter disease taping, ensure the patient is relaxed and not tensing up the thigh muscles. Wrap the tape around the knee securing it with tape that has not been twisted into rope secitons.

Knee supports

Zinc Ocide Sports Tape

UPMedical.co.uk (UK)

Amazon.com (USA)

Patella tendon strap

Jumpers knee brace - Osgood Schlatter

A patella brace or strap works in a similar way and is an alternative to Osgood Schlatter disease taping. Patella braces come in various styles and sizes but all work the same way by applying a compression force around the knee.

Again, this has the effect of changing forces through the tendon. Therefore, taking the strain away from painful tissues and allowing them to heal.

Patella strap

Buy Patella Straps

UPMedical.co.uk (UK)

Amazon.com (USA)

What to look for when buying a patella brace

Prices range considerably when buying a patella brace. Although they all work the same way some are more comfortable and effective than others.

The two features to be aware of are:

  • Does it have padding over the patella tendon? This is needed to apply pressure to the tendon without having to tighten the brace up too much.
  • The other thing to be aware of is comfort. Is there padding around the strap itself? Particularly around the back of the knee. Some cheaper versions may cut into the back of your knee and be uncomfortable to wear.
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