Bruised Kidney

A bruised kidney (or kidney contusion) occurs following a direct impact on the lower back area. This is most commonly from car accidents, although may also result from a fall or a physical attack, such as being kicked in the back. The impact will cause immediate pain which will need to be medically examined straight away and monitored over a few days.


Symptoms of a kidney contusion may include instant pain in the lower back area, usually on one side, nausea, vomiting, blood in the urine, and muscle spasms in the back.

If you suspect a kidney contusion seek medical attention immediately. A doctor will examine the patient and may request An X-ray to check for associated injuries such as fractured ribs. Other tests such as MRI or CT scans may also be ordered to check for internal bleeding. In cases of a simple kidney contusion, the patient is usually monitored closely for a few days. The kidney will usually heal on its own without further complications within a week or so.

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