Calf Strain

Calf strain

A calf strain is a tear of one or more of the muscles at the back of the lower leg. They range from very mild where you may feel a light twinge in the muscle to a full blown rupture with severe pain and loss of funcion. Here we explain the symptoms, causes, treatment, and exercises for recovering from a torn calf muscle.


Medically reviewed by Dr Chaminda Goonetilleke, 10th Jan. 2022.

Calf strain symptoms

Symptoms of a calf strain vary significantly depending on how bad your injury is.

  • A mild strain may feel more like an ache during or after exercise.
  • With a more severe strain, you will feel a sudden sharp pain at the back of the lower leg at the time of injury.
  • Calf muscle strains are graded from 1 to 3, with grade 3 being the most severe.

If you suspect a grade 2 or 3 injury, we advise seeking professional advice.

Read more on diagnosing calf strains

Calf supports

Shin & Calf Supports (UK) (USA)

What is a torn calf?

A Calf strain/torn calf is simply a tear of one of the muscles which make up the calf muscle group at the back of the lower leg.

Calf strain anatomy

The calf muscle group consists of the Gastrocnemius and Soleus muscles. The gastrocnemius is the big muscle at the back of the lower leg. The soleus is the smaller of the two and is located lower down and lies underneath the gastrocnemius.


Both muscles contract to produce ‘plantar flexion’ at the ankle joint. This is the same movement as standing up on your tip-toes. The Gastrocnemius is the more powerful muscle that produces propulsion during dynamic movements such as sprinting and jumping.

The most common type of calf strain is a tear to the medial (inside) part of the gastrocnemius muscle. This is often referred to as ‘Tennis leg’ because it was so common in Tennis players. In particular, the musculotendinous junction (MTJ), where the tendon joins the muscle belly is a very common point to be injured.

Calf strain causes

Calf muscle strains usually occur either as a result of a sudden, explosive movement or from excessive, forced over-stretching of the muscles.

However, there are factors that increase the chances of sustaining a torn calf muscle.

  • Not warming up properly. If your muscles are particularly tight, then they may be more susceptible to injury.
  • Tight calf muscles – over time your muscles may tighten up and parts of the muscle may go into spasm, either from congenital reasons (genetics), or poor footwear.
  • Wearing high heels. If you regularly wear high-heeled shoes this increases the risk of a number of injuries including calf strains. The muscles adaptively shorten over time and as a result, are strengthened in a contracted state. When you wear flat running shoes they over-stretch, increasing the risk of a torn muscle.

Calf strain treatment

Immediate first aid is to apply the P.R.I.C.E. principles of protection rest, ice, compression, and elevation as soon as possible.

Cold Therapy

Apply a cold therapy compression wrap for 10 to 15 minutes every hour initially. Reduce frequency as your symptoms improve.

Do not apply ice directly to the skin as it can cause ice burns. A simple reusable gel pack with an elastic wrap is ideal.


In the early acute stage complete rest is important at least until you can walk pain-free. Once the acute phase has passed then active rest may be more beneficial than complete rest. There is evidence to support the theory that muscles heal with some stress, but this must be controlled. If in any doubt, ‘less is best’.

Compression & support

Wear a compression bandage or calf support to support the muscle and reduce swelling. Compressing blood vessels in the muscle encourages swelling to drain away from the area.

In the later stages, when running and agility exercises are introduced, a heat retainer-type support can be worn. This will help keep the muscle warm and improve blood flow.

Calf supports

Shin & Calf Supports (UK) (USA)

A professional on-field first aider or therapist may apply a compression bandage immediately after injury. This will minimise bleeding and prevent swelling, but should only be applied for 10 minutes at a time to avoid tissue damage.


A doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory medication e.g. ibuprofen. This can be beneficial in the first few days after the injury. However, there is some evidence that anti-inflammatory medication (such as ibuprofen) can impair muscle healing.

Therefore, it should not be taken for more than a few days after the injury occurred. Do not take ibuprofen if you have asthma and always speak to a pharmacist or doctor before taking medications.

Wear a heel lift

Wear a heel pad in your shoes. This shortens the muscle, reducing the load on it. Place them in both shoes otherwise, one leg will be longer than the other.


Arch Support Insoles (UK) (USA)

Later, when you return to running, remove them to avoid your muscles adaptively shortening.


Calf muscle massage

Sports massage for calf strains can be used after the initial acute phase has finished. Do not massage in the first 5 days post-injury, longer for more severe injuries. Massage may damage newly formed blood vessels and increase bleeding.

Later on, as your injury heals massage can be extremely beneficial in flushing away tissue fluids and swelling, stimulating blood flow, and loosening tight knots, lumps and bumps in the muscle.

Foam roller for pulled calf muscles

If you do not have access to massage then using a foam roller can have a similar effect. In the later stages of rehabilitation, it may be used to help mobilise the muscle and fascia (sheath) surrounding it.

Roll along the full length of the muscles for 1 to 2 minutes. Use with a partner/therapist, or on your own.


A professional therapist may use Ultrasound to treat your torn calf. It transmits high-frequency sound waves into the tissue. This encourages blood flow, which facilitates the healing of damaged muscle fibres. Ultrasound is particularly useful in the early stages of the injury.

Calf strain rehabilitation & exercises

Our Calf strain rehabilitation program has been designed by England & British Lions Rugby Sports Physiotherapist Phil Pask. It is based on what an elite athlete would do and is adapted for people of all ages and abilities.

The program is based on 4 phases with an additional 5th injury prevention/mitigation phase.

Injuries similar to Calf strains

The following injuries have similar symptoms to torn calf muscles:

Deep vein thrombosis

A DVT is a blood clot in a vein. It is most common in the calf muscle area, particularly following surgery and long-haul flights. It is very important this is not misdiagnosed as a calf strain because treating it as one can cause life-threatening complications.

Posterior compartment syndrome

A compartment syndrome occurs when swelling or bleeding is contained within the muscle sheath. Pressure gradually increases causing pain in the muscle. Acute compartment syndrome is a medical emergency so seek professional advice if you suspect this.

Calf strain references & research

Calf Strain Rehabilitation Program

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