Wrist Pain By Location

Volar Dorsal wrist pain

Here we explain the common and less common causes of wrist pain by specific location or area.


Dorsal wrist pain (back)

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Dorsal wrist pain is located at the back of the wrist. It subdivides into radial (thumb side), central and Ulnar (little finger side) zones.

Radial wrist pain

The dorsal radial zone is the area of the wrist near the thumb over the palm side.

Most common:

Less common:

Important not to miss:

  • Carpal dislocation – dislocation of any of the small bones which make up the wrist.
  • Radial epiphyseal stress reaction – an overuse injury affecting the growth plate of the radius bone. This is more likely to affect young athletes.

Central zone wrist pain

The dorsal central zone is the middle area of the back of the wrist.

Most common:

Less common:

  • Impingement syndromes

Important not to miss:

  • Scapholunate dislocation – this is dislocation of the scaphoid bone where it connects to the lunate bone.
  • Perilunar dislocation
  • Kienbocks disease

Ulnar zone wrist pain

The dorsal ulnar zone is the area of the wrist on the inside near the little finger.

Most common:

Less common:

  • Distal radioulnar joint instability
  • Ulnar fracture
  • Luno-triquetral ligament sprain
  • Extensor carpi ulnaris subluxation
Thumb support

Thumb Supports

UPMedical.co.uk (UK)

Amazon.com (USA)

Volar wrist pain (front)

Volar wrist pain

Volar wrist pain is on the inside, or underside, of the wrist. These locations also divide into radial (thumb side), central and Ulnar (little finger side) zones.

Radial zone

The volar-radial zone is the front/inside of the wrist on the thumb side.

Most common

  • Carpo-metacarpal osteoarthritis

Less common

  • Flexor carpi radialis tendinopathy

Important not to miss:

  • Carpal instability

Central zone

The volar central zone is the inside middle of the wrist.

Most common

Less common

  • Pisotriquetral degenerative joint disease

Ulnar zone

The volar ulnar zone is the front/inside of the wrist on the little finger side.

Most common

Less common

Acute wrist injuries

Sudden onset injuries or acute injuries include wrist fractures, sprains, strains, and contusions.


Wrist fractures (broken wrist) is a fracture or break of either the radius and/or ulna forearm bones. Or any of the smaller carpal bones in the wrist. There are a number of different types of wrist fractures, so an accurate diagnosis is essential.


Wrist strain is often a general term describing pain in the wrist. Strictly speaking, a strain is a tear of a tendon which attaches muscle to bone. Wrist strains can occur suddenly, or develop gradually through overuse.


Wrist sprain is an injury to any of the ligaments which connect bone to bone in the wrist. It is a common wrist injury, usually caused by a significant impact like a fall. There are different grades of a sprain, depending on their severity.

TFCC tear

TFCC tear is an injury to the triangular fibrocartilage complex, found in the wrist, between the end of the ulna bone and the carpals. A tear can be caused by a specific incident or develop gradually.

Symptoms include wrist pain with restricted wrist and hand function. Often treated conservatively with a splint, although severe injuries need surgery.

Chronic wrist pain


Gradual onset injuries or chronic injuries occur over a period of time. You are unlikely to trace back to a single incident or cause.

Wrist tendonitis

Wrist tendonitis is inflammation, or more likely degeneration, of any of the flexor or extensor tendons which cross the wrist joint. Repetitive movement and overuse can cause stiffness and pain in the wrist, and there can also be swelling. Sports and repetitive work are common causes of tendonitis.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common cause of wrist pain. A dull ache is felt in the wrist and forearm with pain which may radiate into the hand and fingers. It is often worse at night and a tingling sensation can be felt. We explain the symptoms, causes, and treatment including exercises and surgery.

Distal radial epiphyseal injury

Distal radial epiphyseal injury is distal radial epiphysis injury is an injury to the growth plate at the wrist end of the radius bone in the forearm. It mostly affects young athletes and is most often caused by overuse.

Ganglion cyst

Ganglion cyst or wrist ganglion is a small lump which appears in the wrist, often attached to a ligament. The size of the cyst and the severity of the wrist pain varies from person to person.

Some ganglions are not painful so you can just leave them alone. However, others hinder movement and cause pain, therefore, may require treatment.

Wrist bursitis

Wrist bursitis is inflammation of a bursa is a small sack of fluid found in the wrist. It lubricates where tendons move in joints. There are two in the wrist. If a bursa is subjected to repeated trauma or friction then it can become inflamed and swollen, causing wrist pain. Although the pain can be severe, wrist bursitis can often go away with rest, ice and compression, without the need for any major treatment.

Rehabilitation & exercises

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