Difficulty breating deeply

Collapsed lung

Collapsed Lung or Pneumothorax

A collapsed lung is also known as a pneumothorax. It occurs when there is a build-up of air in the space between the lungs and the rib cage. Here we explain the symptoms, causes, and

Costochondritis - Tietze's syndrome

Costochondritis (Tietze’s Syndrome)

Costochondritis or Tietze’s syndrome is a painful condition occurring at the joints between the ribs and the sternum (breastbone). Here we explain the symptoms, causes and treatment for Costochondritis. Symptoms Symptoms include chest pain, specifically



Asthma is an inflammatory disorder of the airways which causes shortness of breath and ‘wheezing’. Its severity can range from mild, with only occasional symptoms, to a severe and life-threatening condition. Symptoms of Asthma The

Referred chest pain

Referred Chest Pain

Referred chest pain is pain that originates from an injury elsewhere, but is felt in the chest. The root cause of the problem may be in the thoracic spine or upper back. Symptoms What is

Costochondritis - Tietze's syndrome

Costochondral Separation

A Costochondral separation, sometimes known as a rib separation, usually occurs after a direct impact on the chest. Costochondral separation symptoms Symptoms of a costochondral separation include: Sudden sharp pain at the point where your

Rib injuries

Bruised Ribs & Rib Fractures

The most common injuries to the ribs are contusions and fractures caused by direct impact. A stress fracture of the rib is rare, but can also occur through overuse. Here we explain the symptoms, causes,

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