Direct trauma/shaking of the head

Brain Bleed

Brain Bleed

A brain bleed can occur after severe trauma to the head. Blood vessels within the brain rupture causing bleeding in the brain. Here we explain the various types of brain bleed. Seek urgent medical attention

Skull fracture

Skull fracture

A skull fracture is a break to one of the bones which form the head. These include the cranium at the back of the head, parietal bones on the side, and frontal bone or forehead.

Headaches in sport

Headaches In Sport

Headaches are an extremely common complaint. They vary in pain intensity, pattern, and location from individual to individual. Although irritating the majority of headaches do not require medical intervention. When to seek medical advice Seek

Post Concussion Syndrome

Post-concussion syndrome is a complication of concussion which may develop some time after the initial injury. There is a range of symptoms including headaches, lack of concentration or even depression, which the athlete may not

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